Victoria: Determined to Succeed

“My name is Victoria and I am a senior here at Waltrip High School. I met Ms. Flores, the CIS Student Support Manager on campus, in my sophomore year and she truly became someone very important in my life. If I’m being honest without her, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I found out I went to an unaccredited school my freshman year, and all I could think about was giving up. She encouraged me to keep going and not give up. She has been there for all my breakdowns, achievements, and many more. I know for a fact that I drove her crazy, but she never left my side. She supports me in everything I set my mind to. Gives the best advice and is a great listener. Cheered for me that my volleyball games. Overall, she has been a cheerleader in my life. She helped me apply for a CNA program and I got in with her help. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life. My parents and I are extremely thankful for her and everything she has done to get me here.”